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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Per ardua ad astra

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Welcome to
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Per ardua ad astra

Structure of the Governing Body

The Governing Body is the key strategic body of every school and is responsible for the conduct of the school and must promote high standards of educational achievement.


The Holy Family Governing Body has eleven Governors from five different categories as follows:


Headteacher (1): by virtue of the role.


Parent Governors (2): who are parents (or people with parental responsibility) of children in the school. Parent Governors are elected by all the parents of children at the school, or, in certain circumstances can be appointed by the Governing Body.


Staff Governor (1): who is a member of the school’s employed staff and is elected by the employed staff of the school.


Local Authority Governor (1): who is nominated by the Local Authority but appointed by the Governing Body. No employed staff member can be the Local Authority Governor.


Foundation Governors (7): who are appointed by the governing body because they have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


Each year the Governing Body elects a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson from the eleven Governors.  Governors undertake a voluntary role and are therefore unpaid.


There is a Clerk to the Governors - Catherine Hughes. The Clerk has a paid post. 


All Governors attend full Governing Body Meetings (FGB) which occur four times per year.


There are also two standing committees meeting three times each year.


  1. Achievement & Curriculum (A&C): this Committee reviews and considers the standards of the school’s educational and other achievements for pupils. It monitors the curriculum provision across the school and focuses on the attainment of all pupils, in particular those groups who have been identified as needing targeted intervention. The school's assessment data is closely scrutinised and lead teachers provide reports on progress in their subject. Areas identified as needing improvement are included in the School Improvement Plan and are reviewed on a termly basis.  The Committee monitors provision of resources to children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and reviews statutory policies relating to the school's curriculum on a cyclical basis. It also reviews pupil behaviour, pupil safety and racist incidents on a termly basis.
  2. Resources: this Committee reviews and considers the school’s resources (human, financial and physical). It  has responsibility for ensuring that the school expenditure remains within budget, and that all funds are spent wisely with the purpose of meeting the needs of the school. The Resources Committee meets every term, with one of the meetings dedicated to planning the budget for the next financial year. It provides guidance for the Headteacher on matters relating to the school premises, school site, security and Health and Safety; it also monitors the elements of the Accessibility Plan relating to premises. The Resources Committee approves costs and arrangements for repairs, maintenance and renovation within the budget. A member of the Committee has a specific role as H&S representative and carries out a termly inspection of the school premises.


In addition to the above committees who meet termly, the following committees meet at least once per year:


Admissions Committee:  to rank applications for Nursery and Reception places and to consider admission requests

Pay Committee:  to consider pay and performance matters


The Headteacher sits on all committees.

Governors are called as and when appropriate and without conflict of interest to sit on panels regarding complaints, disciplinary, grievance and sickness absence.

