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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Per ardua ad astra

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Welcome to
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Per ardua ad astra

Individual Liberty

Individual Liberty


Pupils grow in knowledge and understanding of Individual Liberty by:

  • Encouraging pupils to be independent learners who make choices about how they learn.
  • Giving pupils opportunities to make choices which affect their lives.  
  • Supporting pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence e.g. through all areas of teaching and learning in school.
  • Encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their behaviours, as well as knowing their rights. Encouraging them to demonstrate the Catholic Social Teaching Principles through their thoughts, words and actions.  
  • Challenging stereotypes e.g. through PSHE curriculum and assemblies.
  • Implementing a strong anti-bullying culture, as promoted in our policies.
  • Encouraging pupils to apply for positions in the Chaplaincy team, Mini Vinnies, School Council, Justice and Peace, Sports Ambassadors.
  • Pupils can stand for election and are democratically elected.
  • Supporting others by participating in a wide variety of charitable fundraising events such as the Irish Chaplaincy, Harvest or our Advent and Lenten Appeals.
  • E-Safety units of work are taught throughout school and parents  receive training on these.
  • Parent and teacher surveys completed.
  • Pupils gifts and talent celebrated in the newsletter and Achievement Assemblies.