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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Per ardua ad astra

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Welcome to
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Per ardua ad astra

Oracy at Holy Family

At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, we aim to equip our learners with the skills to talk and listen effectively to one another. Oracy gives every child the opportunity to find their voice; to articulate  their ideas, thoughts and feelings clearly and coherently and develops understanding. Effective communication helps every child to fulfil their potential and flourish in their school life and beyond, regardless of their background. In September 2022, we joined the Ealing Voice 21 programme. Through this programme, we endeavour to give every learner the opportunity to learn through talk and learn to talk. 

Oracy in the classroom 


All children are expected to talk in all lessons and teachers provide resources and scaffolds to help them do this. We learn through talking in all subjects and become better at reading, writing, maths and all other subjects because we regularly discuss our learning. Children are helped with talking sentence stems as well as the talking roles - instigator, clarifier, prober, challenger, builder and summariser. We talk in pairs, trios and small groups throughout the day, and learn to become as skilful at listening as we are at talking. 

Oracy outside the classroom 

The Upper Key Stage 2 Debating Team led an oracy assembly. They shared tips on presentational speaking ahead of our annual Speaking and Listening Competition.


“The debating team and children from other classes did an assembly to give everyone tips for their speaking and listening speech. For example, we had physical ways such as using your hands or walking around the room and pausing for effect. I hope these tips help to improve everyone’s speeches."

Rachel, 6JP


“The most important thing we said was that they need to speak clearly and loudly and not mumble, especially if they are talking about something very important. They should try to memorise as much as they can and not read from a sheet."

Emily, 3B
