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Welcome to

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Per ardua ad astra

During the holidays we had a flood in the school and as a result we will be unable to provide school dinners on the first day of term, Tuesday 7th January 2025. Please make sure your child has a packed lunch on this day. School dinners will be provided as usual from the 8th January.
Welcome to
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Per ardua ad astra


Welcome to Reception 


Reception Joseph: Mrs Villaruel

Reception Mary: Miss Gaffney

Reception support staff:  Mrs Griffith Jones (RJ) and Mrs Papadaki (RM)           


In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Holy Family Catholic Primary School our aims are to:


• support children to make a planned, confident transition from home to school
• provide a happy, caring, safe and secure environment for learning
• plan learning experiences that meet the individual needs and interests of the children through a balanced provision of adult guided and child initiated opportunities
• support children to become competent and confident learners so they are able to reach their full potential
• provide a broad and balanced high quality curriculum in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance
• foster positive home school links with parents and other care providers.

Key Information

Reading books and book bags

Please send your child's book bag into school every day. Each child will be given a yellow reading record book, which should be kept in their book bag along with their books. Teachers will record the title of the book and a comment in the reading record each time they read with your child. Please ensure that you read with your child at home every night and sign the reading record to confirm this, adding any comments you want to pass to your child's teacher about how they are getting on.  


Each child will read with an adult once a week. 



Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. PE is taught by the PE coach. Children should come to school on their PE days wearing their PE kits, which they will wear all day. Since the children will be wearing their PE shoes all day, they should wear trainers instead of light weight PE shoes. Please ensure that all PE clothing is clearly labelled.


Home Learning

Once the children have settled, home learning will be posted on 'Home learning' section.  Home learning will provide ideas about how you can consolidate and enhance your child's school learning at home.  Your child's teacher will let you know when home learning has started.


Reading day timetable

Monday - Butterflies
Tuesday - Ladybirds
Wednesday - Spiders

Thursday - Caterpillars

Friday -  Bumblebees






Please see the individual sections below for useful information regarding our key areas of learning.

Educational Websites