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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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Please read our newsletter to see all the wonderful things taking place in our school and check the key dates to see what is coming up.
Welcome to
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
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Sporting Excellence

Achievements 2023-2024

Brentford Premier League Primary Stars Champion’s Tournament - 2nd Place

Ealing Gymnastics Competition 1st Place - February 2024

Holy Family Year 4/5 Girls 4 v 1 Fielding - March 2024

Holy Family Annual Tennis Tournament - Champion Luigi - March 2024

Holy Family 1 v 0 Fielding C Football Match - February 2024

Year 3/4 Girls Football Festival Winners - February 2024

Fielding 1 v 6 Holy Family Year 3/4 Girls - February 2024

Peal Shield Selborne 0 v 5 Holy Family Girls - February 2024

New Age Kurling 3rd Place - January 2024

Ealing Football Borugh Finals Year 5/6 Girls: 2nd Place (Unbeaten and did not concede a goal) - January 2024

Ealing Borough Football Finals Year 3/4 Girls: 2nd Place - January 2024

Peal Shield Girls: West Acton 0 v 3 Holy Family - January 2024

Peal Shield Boys: West Acton 1 v 2 Holy Family - January 2024

Boccia Gold and Silver - January 2024

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Competition - BRONZE

QPR Premier League Primary Stars U11 Girls Football Tournament – 2nd

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Competition - TWO SILVERS and BRONZE

Year 5/6 Quiksticks hockey tournament - BRONZE for A and B team

Year 5/6 Netball Tournament – BRONZE

Peal shield against John Perryn - Girls won 10-1 Boys won 4-3

Advanced girls football tournament – 2ND

Alec Reed Football Tournament - B team won, A team runners up

Cross Country - Whole team:12th out of 26 competing schools. Our girls team finished 8th out of 26 schools. Our boys team finished 17th of 24

Winners of Year 5/6 Tri Football Tournament at John Locke Academy (October 2023)

Year 5/6 Girls Football Team beat Fielding B Team 10 v 0 (October 2023)

Year 5/6 Girls Rugby Team Winners of the WASPS Rugby Festival (October 2023)

Year 5/6 Girls Football Team 2 v 0 St Vincent's Peal Shield (November 2023)

Sitting Volleyball Tournament - 2nd Place (December 2023)
