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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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Holy Family Catholic Primary School
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Bascombe and Sakoui Cup

The Bascombe Cup 


Mr Bascombe was the first full time P.E. teacher at Holy Family. He was an outstanding teacher and did so much to promote sport in our school in the 5 years he worked with us. After leaving our school, Mr Bascombe fell ill with cancer and had to have his leg amputated. In his subsequent visits to our school, he has taught our children so much and been a role model for all of us in so many different ways. To recognise all that Mr Bascombe has given and continues to give to our children, we have named a trophy after him and award it every term to a child who has shown the values and attitudes that Mr Bascombe embodies: sporting excellence, determination, respect, resilience, positive mindset and courage.    


Bascombe Cup Winner

Spring Term 2024

Aimee - Year 6 


I am delighted to be presenting the Bascombe Cup to Aimee. Aimee is the deserving winner of this award for three reasons.


Firstly, she is a super talented sports person who excels at athletics, football and rugby. Aimee has trained hard for a number of years to develop her talents – her technique, speed and skills. She always applies herself fully to every training session because she is determined to achieve excellence. It has been a pleasure to see her improvements week on week. Aimee’s talents have been key to our girls team being the most successful team in Ealing over the past two years. She has scored spectacular goals,      created goals and made goal saving tackles. There is no doubt that she is one of the very best footballers in Ealing.


The second reason why Aimee is receiving this Cup is due to her outstanding leadership skills. She is the inspirational captain of our football team and leads by example in so many different ways. In a match she covers every blade of grass, running non stop. No one on the pitch runs more than Aimee. Many times her running is to cover for another player in the team, maybe they make a mistake or are too tired to run. The most impressive thing is that when our team gets tired or when we are under pressure, this is when Aimee works the hardest. She can tell that the team really need her and she does more. This is real leadership. Aimee sets high expectations for everyone, including herself. When someone is not doing their job, she will tell them. At the same time she is highly supportive of every member of the team. I have seen Aimee celebrating someone else scoring with more energy than her own goals! She delights in the others doing well – especially the younger players. Aimee consoles others when they are disappointed, looks after them if they are hurt and offers support and advice. She is always thinking of the others.


My final reason for presenting this award is for Aimee’s outstanding contribution to sport in our school. This year she has transformed lunch breaks by organising, running and referring table tennis, rugby and football competitions for children in Year 4, 5 and 6. In doing this she has improved lunch times for children; helped to improve their skills; given everyone the chance to enjoy sport and even made our school teams better. Aimee has also coached and trained children at clubs before and after school – giving up her time to improve others. Recently Aimee did something that no child at    Holy Family has ever done before, she coached a football team in a match against another school – and her team won!


This trophy is so well deserved. Well Done Aimee and thank you for all your many contributions to sport at Holy Family.


Mr Doherty - Headteacher                                                                                                                                  


March 2024


Sakoui Cup


The Sakoui family did so much at Holy Family to promote art. We have benefited greatly as a result of their expertise, passion and love for the subject. To remember all that they have given to the school, we award the Sakoui Cup each term. This award is presented to a child who has shown exceptional talents and ability in art. 

Spring Term 2024 Winner

Evia - Reception Joseph 



Evia is a very worthy winner of our Sakoui Cup this term.

Her progress and attainment has been truly outstanding- something I haven't seen in years. Her artwork easily rivals children in the older academic years and shows a child who takes design seriously. Evia's steady hand has developed as a result of a strong commitment to writing too- which in turn has developed her fine motor skills. Whether it be drawing or painting, Evia's flair for precision mark making shines through, alongside her secure understanding of shades and colour palettes. The work Evia has done as well to take lead in the art area has showcased her abilities as an art teacher, wanting to share her skills with others. There has been considerable progress by these children as they have learnt step by step routines to improve their final pieces.

Well Done Evia!

Mr McCloskey - Reception Class Teacher

March 2024

