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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Per ardua ad astra

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Welcome to
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Per ardua ad astra

Nursery News

Friday 18th October

Welcome all to Nursery News. This is the place where you can find a weekly update on what the class have been learning throughout the week. At the end, there will also be a section for notices please do take a look each week to keep up to date with events and information regarding your child’s time at school.


Our learning

This week has been exciting and full of learning. We have continued to read Owl babies and have been talking about nocturnal animals some more. We have been developing our listening skills and went on a listening walk. We have really enjoyed using the torches and talk about shadows after reading The Gruffalo’s Child.


We have been identifying shapes and using our peg shapes to help us locate our new carpet spaces.


We have continued to share our family photos and draw pictures of our families. We are getting really good at saying our daily prayers and each day someone is chosen to be the prayer leader.


We have enjoyed building large owl nests outside with the crates and blankets and developing role play around our understanding of owl babies.


We have also enjoyed building role play using the till and set up a toy shop.


We have also had lots of fun climbing, using the scooters, painting owls using the spongers, learning to make new colours by mixing paints, singing lots of nursery rhymes and playing number games on the interactive whiteboard.


We ended the week by making observations about Autumn and using our collections to make autumn artwork and we had a very exciting visit from the local fire brigade and we each got to sit inside a real fire engine!


See you next week

Nursery Angel Gabriel :)





Next Wednesday, is school photos for individuals and siblings.


Just a reminder that the green gate that connects the EYFS playground to the Key Stages playground must not be used as a throughway. If you have a child in the Key Stages you must pick them up and then make you way around to the EYFS gate which opens at 3:30pm. If you have a child in reception class you may wait in the EYFS playground until we open our doors. At the end of the day please leave the playground straightaway. Pupils should not be allowed to play on the climbing equipment after they have been collected. The adult on the gate needs to close it at 3:40pm to allow them to attend after school meetings. Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Kind regards,

The Nursery team.

Friday 11th October

Welcome all to Nursery News. This is the place where you can find a weekly update on what the class have been learning throughout the week. At the end, there will also be a section for notices please do take a look each week to keep up to date with events and information regarding your child’s time at school.


Our learning


Our learning journey this week, has been focussed around the story Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. The story is about three owlets waiting for their mother's return to the nest which has led us onto sharing photos of our special families, in RE and throughout the week. We have been developing our communication and language skills by acting the story through puppet play and developing our fine motor skills through drawing and creating our own representations of the characters from the story. We have been learning about nocturnal animals and enjoyed taking it in turns to use touches to search for our friends in the dark who were pretending to be an animal awake at night. We saw bats, owls, hedgehogs, foxes and frogs! We have developed our mathematical skills and vocabulary of sorting and comparing objects to help Mother Owl's nest.


Alongside this, we have been continuing to develop our emotional literacy and many of us are talking independently about zones of colour to identify how we are feeling now which is helping us to resolve our conflicts using our words and not our hands. we are learning to ask our friends if we can share toys and join in games. 


We have enjoyed listening to many stories such as Superworm, We are going to find a monster, The Selfish crocodile, Hooray for Fish and many more.


We have enjoyed developing our gross motor skills outside running and climbing, building and working as a team to tidy the equipment away. We enjoyed using chalk outside to draw on the floor and many of us have been inspired to draw representations of our families and some of us have shown interest in trying to write our name. We have role played doctors and families as well as trains, water play and arts and crafts, painting, singing and dancing.


Nursery Angel Gabriel :)




Thank you to those of you who joined us for the Nursery curriculum morning.

From next week, your child should bring in their book bag and their reading record which was handed out to them today. Their reading record is the small yellow book and is there for you to sign, date and comment on when you have shared a story with your child. Each week, your child will also share a story of their choosing with a member of the Nursery team and then that book will be sent home for you to enjoy for a week. I have put your child into a reading group and a schedule of what day their reading day is with an adult at Nursery and what day their book will be changed. I will put this information on the Nursery door so please do take a note of what group your child is in and what date they will have their book changed.


I have had a couple of requests for show and tell this year and it is a lovely way for children to develop their oracy skills I will have a think of an effective system to implement that does not mean we have an overspill of toys coming in that have the potential to get lost or broken. This may be something we begin after the half term so watch this space.


Thank you to everyone that is arriving to nursery on time this is having a really positive impact on the start of our day. Just a reminder that our gate opens at 8:30am and we will be closing the Nursery door at 8:40am. If your child is not in the classroom by that time you will be marked down as late.


At the end of the day, please leave the playground straightaway. Pupils should not be allowed to play on the climbing equipment after they have been collected. The adult on the gate needs to close it at 3:40pm to allow them to attend after school meetings. We are in the process are trying to find the most effective system at dismissal and gate timings so please watch this space for any changes! Thank you.


Finally, Autumn is here and it is a wonderful time for getting out on walks with the family. We would very much welcome children to bring in little autumn bags of twigs, leaves, conkers and pinecones which can be used for art activities. Please make sure they are not sharp or have any unsuitable berries or dirt that would not be safe for us to handle.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Kind regards,


The Nursery team.

Friday 4th October

Welcome all to Nursery News. This is the place where you can find a weekly update on what the class have been learning throughout the week. At the end, there will also be a section for notices please do take a look each week to keep up to date with events and information regarding your child’s time at school.


Our learning


This week, we have been focussing on ourselves by learning to identify our emotions through the story The Colour Monster by Anna Lleynas. We have enjoyed learning the different colour zones that help us to say which emotion we are feeling. We are beginning to explain why we are feeling certain ways and have enjoyed crafting and creating different representations of the Colour Monster. We are beginning to learn that we need to be in the green zone which is calm and ready for learning when we are at school and we have learned a new strategy to help us get into the green zone if we are feeling emotions from another zone. This is also helping us to understand how our friends may feel if we are not making kind choices in our classroom.

In our RE learning this week, we have been introduced to the Holy Family, Mary, Joseph and Jesus and are beginning to understand that God choose them for a special reason. We listened to some of the Christmas story to help us understand who Mary, Joseph and Angel Gabriel are.

Our maths focus this week, was identifying more, fewer and same and we did this through a teddy bears picnic where we even got to eat crackers. Yum!

In addition to this, we have been learning so many new skills through our choosing time which included puzzles, stories, playing police and prisoners outside, building houses and obstacles courses, driving buses we made using the outside equipment, drawing, painting, playdough and some of us have really enjoyed making new friendship connections through our shared love of Frozen songs where there was lots of singing, dancing and dressing up.


Nursery Angel Gabriel :)






A huge huge thank you for all the donations we have so many new supplies to use and we are very grateful to your shared efforts.




Please write your child’s name in all uniform items including school shoes.

If your child attends after school club, please remind your child and staff at Boom Sports to check the blue box for any belongings. This box is provided to them from us to keep nursery pupil’s belongings together and to prevent items getting lost. We do have a lost property box at the main entrance of the school so please do check there also.


Thank you to everyone that is arriving to nursery on time this is having a really positive impact on the start of our day. Just a reminder that our gate opens at 8:30am and we will be closing the Nursery door at 8:40am. If your child is not in the classroom by that time you will be asked to go via the office and marked down as late.


At the end of the day please leave the playground straightaway. Pupils should not be allowed to play on the climbing equipment after they have been collected. The adult on the gate needs to close it at 3:40pm to allow them to attend after school meetings. Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Kind regards,

The Nursery team.


Friday 27th September

Welcome all to Nursery News. This is the place where you can find a weekly update on what the class have been learning throughout the week. At the end, there will also be a section for notices please do take a look each week to keep up to date with events and information regarding your child’s time at school.


Our learning


It has been another wonderful week of settling in to our routine at Nursery and although some of us are bit teary at the door once we are in, we have so much fun with our new friends.


During our special RE time, we have been introduced to our class Saint, Angel Gabriel. We are beginning to understand that he is a special friend of God. We are beginning to understand that Angel Gabriel is our special class name and we enjoyed making paint prints of our own names this week. We are also starting to learn how to pray using the sign of the cross.


During our maths time, we listened to the story Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs and then enjoyed making our own collections of toys and comparing who has more! We have also enjoyed number nursery rhymes Five little ducks, Once I caught a fish alive and Incy Wincy Spider where we counted the eight legs and represented these on our fingers as we made a spider with our hands!


We have listened to so many different stories including The Colour Monster which has helped us to begin to identify different feelings. We have also listened to We’re going on a bear hunt, The three little pigs, Oh no George and many others.


Alongside our special learning times, we have been developing our fine motor skills in the craft and playdough areas, working together to complete puzzles, playing with the dinosaurs, painting, drawing, building train tracks, exploring the water tray, sand pit and climbing on the frame outside. We have been building social skills through role play games of police and prisoners and we even played some football and when it rained we had the best time jumping in the puddles!


What a week!


Nursery Angel Gabriel :)









This week, the children will start bringing home our class prayer bear. The idea is that each week a child will take the prayer bear and book home. They then can say a special prayer to God and their adult writes their prayer down in the book with a photo of their child praying with prayer bear. Each week, during our special RE learning time your child will share their prayer with the class.


From time to time we may ask parents for donations for the classroom to support our learning. These are usually things we use often. There is no expectation for you to donate but we appreciate your help if you are able to.


We currently require kitchen foil, boxes of tissues, baby wipes, green food colouring for water play, shaving foam for messy play, paper plates, cups and straws.


Thank you to those who have already brought in their child’s wellies. If you haven’t, please bring them in as soon as possible.


Please write your child’s name in all uniform items including school shoes.


If your child attends after school club, please remind your child and staff at Boom Sports to check the blue box for any belongings. This box is provided to them from us to keep nursery pupil’s belongings together and to prevent items getting lost. We do have a lost property box at the main entrance of the school so please do check there also.


Thank you to everyone that is arriving to nursery on time this is having a really positive impact on the start of our day. Just a reminder that our gate opens at 8:30am and we will be closing the Nursery door at 8:40am. If your child is not in the classroom by that time you will be asked to go via the office and marked down as late.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Kind regards,


The Nursery team.


Friday 20th September 2024


Welcome all to our first Nursery News. This is the place where you can find a weekly update on what the class have been learning throughout the week. At the end, there will also be a section for notices please do take a look each week to keep up to date with events and information regarding your child’s time at school.


Our learning


Wow what a brilliant first full week we have had. We have been courageous, resilient and independent as we have learned very quickly to say goodbye to our mummies and daddies at the door and come into a place with new friends and new teachers. This week, has been about learning new routines which includes learning to hang up our coat, put away our belongings and find an activity to start our day. We have been learning how to tidy up together as a team, prepare for lunch by washing our hands and learning where the toilet is. We have been learning how to use the sand timer to help us share our toys and take turns. We have been introduced to our class ethos of using ‘kind hands and kind words’.


We have been learning how to gather on the carpet for circle time where we have enjoyed listening to starting school stories and enjoyed singing lots of nursery rhymes. We even had our very first RE learning input where we were introduced to God. We listening carefully to the creation story, shared our ideas about what God created and then went on a very exciting hunt in our mud kitchen to see what things we could find that God has made! We are learning to say thank you to God for our beautiful world by learning the end of day prayer.


It has been such a busy week and we will we need lots of rest and sleep ready for next week!


Nursery Angel Gabriel :)





Thank you everyone for a really positive start to our year. It has been wonderful to meet you all and your children and we look forward to working with you all over the course of the year.


Next week, can you please send in a family photo with your child that can be shared with the class as part of our topic this half term ‘Me and My community’


Thank you for your patience as we iron out issues with the gate and for being patient as we carefully welcome and dismiss the children safely each day. As we become more secure in knowing each parent carer this will get quicker.


Thank you to those who have already brought in their child’s wellies. If you haven’t, please bring them in by next week as the weather is set to turn.


Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform Shoes must be black and coats must be black or maroon. From next week, if your child is not in the correct uniform an incorrect uniform letter will be sent home.


Please write your child’s name in all uniform items. Items are already going missing. Please check your child’s uniform to see if another pupil’s uniform has accidentally come home with your child.


If your child attends after school club please remind your child and staff at Boom Sports to check the blue box for any belongings. This box is provided to them from us to keep nursery pupil’s belongings together and to prevent items getting lost. We do have a lost property box at the main entrance of the school so please do check there also.


We are experiencing a high volume of toilet accidents but don’t be alarmed this can be the case when children start a new setting and hopefully over the course of the term these will decrease as children become more able to manage. As we go through this adjustment period please return items as quickly as possible as we run out of them, especially trousers. Please continue to support your child to undress for the toilet independently and remind them to wipe, flush and wash their hands.


One final reminder that our gate opens at 8:30am and from next week I will be closing the Nursery door at 8:40am. If your child is not in the classroom by that time you will be asked to go via the office and marked down as late.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Kind regards,

The Nursery team.

Friday 5th July 2024

This week in maths, we have continued to explore the composition of numbers and look at all the ways we can make four using Numicon shapes. We have also been identifying and describing the properties of shapes and enjoying number stories and songs.

In Literacy, we have enjoyed reading Little Rabbit Foo Foo by Michael Rosen and used our imaginations to create new characters for the story. We then drew our ideas and added them to our own stories. We love being authors and illustrators! We have enjoyed singing and playing instruments, mixing paints to create new colours and shades, building houses and role-playing families. We have enjoyed learning about how to keep healthy through what we eat and enjoyed a delicious fruit salad. We invited our parents in to work out with us and keep fit through exercise. We have also enjoyed active games such as bean bag target, hoop hopping and football. On Friday, we took our first visit to church and met Father Neil who spoke to us about how to be a friend of Jesus.



Thursday 11th July: Children to meet new class teacher

Friday 12th July: EYFS Sports day 9:15am-10:30am

Thursday 18th July: End of term for Nursery

Have a wonderful weekend!

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team


Friday 21st June 2024

It has been a lovely sunny week and we have been busy learning so much this week. In RE, we have been learning about Jesus’ key disciples and followers Saint Peter and Saint Paul. We have listened to stories about both Saints and enjoyed making a whole class fishing line to represent Saint Peter becoming the fishermen of men.

We have read the story Construction by Sally Sutton and learning how helpful machines really are especially when it comes to building things we want and need. We have been busy being construction workers and designing, then building together using the large wooden blocks outside.

We have continued to recognise numerals, 1-5, subitise 1-5 and look for smaller amounts in larger numbers through our ladybird and underwater games and we’ve been super subitising throughout our play. We have been exploring shape through construction and can identify and are beginning to describe shapes.

We have enjoyed building large zoos, houses and lava boats. We love to play in larger groups now and have enjoyed building stories around families, police, and the floor is lava.

We are also really enjoying lots of writing now we have been introduced to the sounds letters make!


During our Diversity Week from 24th-28th June, we would like to take the further opportunity to learn about all your countries, cultures, and families. We value every child in our school and want the children to research their family’s heritage and culture and share this important part of their identity with their class. Also, the children may wish to share how their family came to be living here – what was it that brought them/their parents/grandparents to arrive in London and Acton?

This piece of research can be completed at home during the week of 17th June and presented in any format June that the children would like during the week of 24th  images, videos, PowerPoints, posters, food. However, it is not compulsory.


We are sure that this week will be a wonderful celebration of our culture and wider and understanding of everyone’s uniqueness.


The weather is getting warmer and at peak hours during the day it is very warm and sunny. Please ensure your child is now coming to school with a hat, water bottle and apply sun cream in the morning please.


Wednesday 26th June Nursery Forest School


Friday 12th July Nursery and Reception sports day 9:15am-10:30am.


We are looking for the following donations, foil, blue jay clothes and any unwanted toy cars, vehicles, tractors etc, old unwanted mobile and landline phones for role play. We are low on recycling boxes such as cereal boxes and tooth pastes boxes, all small to medium boxes welcome.

We thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team


Friday 14th June 2024

Our core text this term is Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. We have been learning how to retell the story and have then been thinking about what animals we would like to be sent from the zoo. We have been learning all about letter sending and the important role of the post office, sorting office and postal workers. We have built role play round the post office and have been really enjoying putting our phonics knowledge into use when writing own letters to the zoo.

In maths, we have been super subitising amount up to 5. We have been counting objects accurately up to ten. We have enjoyed singing number action songs outside, we loved pretending to be speckled frogs and jumping in the water this has helped to identify and solve some subtraction number problems.

We are continuing to learn a new sound each day during our phonics time, we enjoy identifying the initial sounds of words and some of us are beginning to blend simple words using our phonics knowledge.

We have enjoyed building houses and hotels using the large wooden blocks outside, exploring the mud kitchen, climbing and playing large group role play games. We have enjoyed playing instruments and making our own performances.



The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am.  Please collect your children promptly at 11.30 so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch.

We require the following please: Foil, blue jay cloths, cereals (NO NUTS) this is for sensory play. Any unwanted toy cars or toy machinery eg diggers, trucks etc. Thank you so much for your generosity with donations we appreciate it so much.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 24h May 2024

This week in RE, Nursery Gabriel have continued to learn about the events of Pentecost, identifying some features of the Church and understanding why we may go to Church. We have enjoyed learning how to make our own stain glass windows by making a rectangle frame and using tissue paper on stick back plastic to create a collage.

In maths, we have been identifying the features of some simple 2D shapes such as circle, square, triangle and rectangles. We are beginning to talk about sides and corners and know that a circle has one curved line! We have used shapes to construct with and create shape paint patterns.

In Literacy, we have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and identified days of the week and recalled information on what the caterpillar eats on each day. We have been learning about symmetry and making our own symmetrical butterfly as well as creating symmetry in our own pictures.

We have enjoyed crafting photo frames and making flowers, we have been role playing superheroes and families. We have been making obstacle course, exploring for worms and creating dens. We have been mixing in the sand pit and rescuing injured butterflies. We have been learning our phonics sounds and using them to write and blend some simple words.


It has been a wonderful term and we are all ready for a well deserved rest!



Thank you for your time this week during our parent evenings it was a pleasure to catch up with you and talk proudly about your children.

The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am.  Please collect your children promptly at 11.30 so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch.

Have a wonderful half term

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team


Friday 17th May 2024

This week has been incredible! We began our week by learning how to measure length. We had so much fun measuring how long we are using foam bricks and wooden blocks and then we enjoyed measuring, comparing and ordering the length of Superworm and friends. We made long trains, long lines and long worms using different concrete objects.

We enjoyed reading Superworm by Julia Donaldson and learning the special chant from the story. We have spent long periods of time hunting for minibeasts and have found worms, beetles, centipedes, butterflies, bees, ladybirds, spiders, woodlouse, ants and snails. We have learned so much about minibeasts through our explorations.

We have been learning about the importance of earthworms to helping our plants grow. Some us made our very own womery so we could keep our worms see and see how they eat the dead leaves and make the soil healthy.

This week we went on our first visit to Forest school and it was so fantastic. We were able to explore and look for more minibeasts and we saw a huge colony of red ants with their eggs. We listened to Miss Emma as she explained how to worm charm and she made us special worm wands that we could tap on the ground and bring some words out of the soil.

It has been such a fun week of learning!



The school trip will be going ahead on Wednesday 22nd May as we now have enough adult volunteers. Thank you to all that can join us.

We will have a few more sessions in Forest school next term dates TBC.

Apologies for the cancellation of our parent meetings this week. I was so looking forward to catching up with you and these meetings will be arranged for next week.

Thank you for all the kind words of support as we had our Ofsted inspections this week. We appreciate all your support.


The schools break up for half term next Friday 24th May

The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am.  Please collect your children promptly at 11.30 so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch.


Kind regards,

The Nursery Team


Friday 10th May 2024

Over the last three weeks, the children have been immersed into the Ready Steady Grow topic through many engaging, hands on activities. Here are some of the highlights:

In Nursery Gabriel, we have been learning about the parts of a plant and the life cycle of a sunflower. We have listened to many fact and fiction stories about growing including: Little Seeds, Billy’s Sunflower, From Seed to Sunflower, Jasper’s Beanstalk and Oliver’s Vegetables. We have planted our own sunflowers and are watching them grow. We are using our scientific skills to observe and make predictions about what will happen with our broad bean experiment. We have been using seeds to create art work and developed our painting and drawing skills through observations of bouquets of flowers.

We have been developing our measuring skills by using cubes to measure the different flowers in the class and comparing heights. We have made our own flower bouquets and using our knowledge of shorter and taller to cut the stems to make our bouquets.

In RE, we have been learning about the events after Easter. We have made pictures of Jesus ascending to Heaven and made Pentecost hats for the Pentecost Party next week. We have been learning about the Holy Spirit and learning how we can show we have the Holy Spirit by being kind with our hands and our words to everyone.

This week, we have moved onto to learning about the important role minibeasts play to help the plants grow. We have listened to Mad about MiniBeasts by Giles Andrea and shared our knowledge about minibeasts. We have enjoyed hunting for different insects in the mud kitchen and outdoor classroom and have been able to identify minibeasts we know and learn and use new vocabulary for the new minibeasts we have found. We are learning how to take care of God’s special minibeasts.

We have continued learning sounds in phonics and this week have recapped on m,a,s,d,t,i,n and p. We have been identifying the initial sounds of things and we have met Fred the Frog for the first time this week who only talks in Fred talk and helps us to orally blend words! We have also been practising our name writing lots.




Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me back with such kind words it has been wonderful to be back in the classroom with the children and your warm welcome and support is deeply appreciated thank you so much! 

On Wednesday May 22nd from 9:30-11:30am we are hoping to go on a small trip to North Acton playing fields which is a short walk from school. I will need at least 16 parent volunteers to make the trip possible so please if you are able to join us put you name on the signup sheet which is outside the classroom door.

We will be going to forest school next Wednesday 15th June and all children will require their wellies if you have not yet provided a pair of wellingtons for your children please do so before Wednesday thank you.

As the weather begins to get warmer, please send your child to school with a water bottles, a sun hat and please apply sun cream in the morning as it can get very warm during the peak hours and the children will be outside.

Holy Family are having a talent show and Nursery are welcome to enter. Details will be in this week’s newsletter. If your child is interested in entering please let me know on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 8th March 2024

We have had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Week this week and the children had so much fun dressing up as their favourite book character.  We shared our favourite stories, designed our own book covers and had a special visit from author Sara Momtaz.

In RE, we have encountered the events of Palm Sunday. We learned a new song to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem and made our own palm leaves.

In mathematics, we have been identifying matching pairs and talking about shapes and patterns we notice.

We ended the week learning about Mother’s day and talking about how wonderful our mummies are: “I love my mummy she makes me laugh and plays with me.” “My mummy is so kind.” We enjoyed using our art and craft skills to make cards for our lovely mummies. Happy Mother’s day to all our lovely mummies.



Monday 25th March: Nursery and Reception pupils may wear their own clothes (Friends of Holy Family Disco after school)


As part of our almsgiving call this Lent, our Mini Vinnies would like us to support two very special causes. The first is for the charity HCPT. They are a Catholic charity that organise for disabled and disadvantaged children and adults to go on a special pilgrimage to Lourdes. It is a charity that is very close to the hearts of some of our children and families at Holy Family. The Mini Vinnies would also like to support the greatly admired Mr Bascombe as he works to get back onto the Badminton court after his illness. All of the money that we raise this Lent will be shared equally between the two causes. On Wednesday 27th March Nursery Gabriel will be raising money for the chosen Lent charities this year by hosting a Wacky Wednesday’ where children can come to school in their choice of attire. We are encouraging pupils to be as outrageous, colourful and expressive as they like with their outfit which they will wear to school that day. Please can each child donate £1 on the day.


Wednesday 27th March: EYFS Easter Bonnet Parade - Parents welcome to attend

Wednesday 27th March: Last day of term for Nursery


Kind regards,

The Nursery Team


Friday 1st March 2024

This week, we have been in RE, we have been learning about the signs of lent. We have used charcoal to draw ash crosses on self-portraits, mixed a range of shades of purple to paint with. We have planted seeds and talked about our understanding of seeds and plants growing and reflected on how we are being kind and helpful to grow closer to God.

In mathematics, we have been counting and recording numbers, developing our number formations and using five frames to record scores. We have enjoyed singing number songs and using numbers in our play and conversations.

In literacy, we have started to learn our phonics. We can identify the picture of each sound now! We have listened to many stories including our key texts Oliver’s Fruits Salad and Oliver’s vegetables. We have enjoyed exploring how we can grow food from seeds and understanding that all out fruit and vegetables come from plants and sharing our experiences of growing.

We have enjoyed observational painting of daffodils and mixing colours. We have enjoyed learning out our local area and making treasure maps and maps that show our school and how we get to school. It has been another wonderful week in Nursery Gabriel.



Next week is world book week and to celebrate Nursery will be able to dress up as a book character on Thursday 7th March. Nursery pupils are NOT required to pay the £3 activity fee that the rest of the school are being asked to pay We will be participating in our special world book week activities. Please no football kits.

As part of our almsgiving call this Lent, our Mini Vinnies would like us to support two very special causes. The first is for the charity HCPT. They are a Catholic charity that organise for disabled and disadvantaged children and adults to go on a special pilgrimage to Lourdes. It is a charity that is very close to the hearts of some of our children and families at Holy Family. The Mini Vinnies would also like to support the greatly admired Mr Bascombe as he works to get back onto the Badminton court after his illness. All of the money that we raise this Lent will be shared equally between the two causes. On Wednesday 27th March Nursery Gabriel will be raising money for the chosen Lent charities this year by hosting a Wacky Wednesday’ where children can come to school in their choice of attire. We are encouraging pupils to be as outrageous, colourful and expressive as they like with their outfit which they will wear to school that day. Please can each child donate £1 on the day.


Kind regards,

The Nursery Team


Friday 23rd February 2024


Welcome to Spring B, our topic this term is Big Wide World and we will be exploring the world through three key texts Oliver’s Fruit Salad, Handa’s Surprise and Naughty Bus.


We started the week by listening to Mr Wolf’s Pancakes and enjoyed measuring and mixing up some ingredients to make our own pancakes!


In RE, we have begun our journey from Lent to Easter by learning about Ash Wednesday and understanding that Lent is a special time to grow closer to God so we made our own Lent promise leaves about how we can be more helpful towards others and show love.


We have listened to Oliver’s fruit salad and really enjoyed the fruit tasting experience. We used lots of vocabulary to describe the fruit using our sight, touch and taste senses. We have begun to discuss where different fruit and vegetables come from.


We have started our phonics learning this week by learning the picture names and sounds to the first 20 letters please ask us at home to tell you what we can recall it will help us to embed the learning.


We have begun our poetry competition and everyone has done a wonderful job so far!


We have enjoyed lots of singing, stories, building, role play, arts and crafts, writing, drawing and we even got to paint prints and portraits using fruit and vegetables which was messy and fun.




Well done on uniform standards and attendance it has made such a significant difference to our routine and learning having everyone in and everyone arriving on time. Thank you.


Thank you for the continued support with donations and fruit this week that keeps our learning moving.


We are going to be doing a lot around growing and would really benefit from compost if anyone is able to source some that would be really appreciated.


Other donations needed are tissues, salt, foil, plant pots small and medium sized.


Thank you so much everyone.


Kind regards,

The Nursery Team



Friday 8th February 2023

Wow we can’t believe it is the half term already! It has been a fantastic six weeks back and we have made so much progress.

This week in RE, we have been learning more about our purpose as Catholics and as citizens of society to show love and kindness to others. We really enjoyed helping the wider community this week by hosting our very own community bike and scooter wash, Mr Doherty even came by to see us in action. Look out for the pictures on ARC!  We worked so well together as a team to clean all the bikes and scooters. We have also been busy making pictures, cards and paintings for those we love and care about and developing our creative and fine motor skills as we draw and write names on our pictures and cards.

In mathematics, we have been helping Goldilocks make things right with the three bears by comparing capacity and filling up containers with the appropriate amounts of porridge and learning new key mathematical vocabulary.

In Literacy, we have been developing our story telling skills by thinking of our own stories and retelling them to our teacher. Our work has been published and displayed in an anthology and we are not only authors but also illustrators because we drew pictures for out stories too!

In Topic, we have used our knowledge of the Antarctic to plan a trip to help reunite Penguin with his lost friend. We made maps, built boats, made missing posters and packed appropriate clothing for the trip.

We have also enjoyed name writing, colour mixing, listening to stories, action songs, exploring the mud kitchen, building and puddle jumping!



Thank you to all those who brought in their scooters and bikes for the community bike and scooter wash, the children really enjoyed taking on this responsibility and working together as a team.

After halt term, we will be starting the whole school poetry competition. Each child will be allocated a day to perform a nursery rhyme to the class. Please positively support your child to learn a nursery rhyme of their choice. The rota will be posted outside the classroom on Monday 19th February and will commence on Tuesday 20th February so please be prepared.

The attendance and late arrivals has significantly improved and this has had a positive impact on the whole class well done everyone, keep it up I have every faith we will make it to the top of the attendance board!

Also, the uniform standards have been raised so thank you for your co-operation in keeping our standards high.

Have a wonderful and well deserved half term and I look forward to seeing young all in Spring B.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 2nd February 2023

The last two weeks have been jammed pack with so much fun and learning.

In RE, we have deepened our knowledge and understanding of God’s love and know that Jesus was born for everyone to help them be kind and show love to others through their actions. We are becoming more helpful, conscientious and kind members of the school community. We have listened to the parables The Good Samaritan and The Good Shepard.

In mathematics, we are becoming Super Subitisers by subitising numbers up to 4. We are reciting numbers in order to 20. We have been comparing quantities and learner to recognise who has more, fewer and discussing these concepts throughout play and explorations. We have been singing number songs and recognising and representing numerals.

In Literacy, we have been developing our knowledge and understanding of penguins and learned the life cycle of a penguin through fact books, and fiction stories The Emperor’s Egg, Don’t be afraid Little Pip and I Am Small. We have also listened to the story The Blue Balloon by Mick Ink Pen and have enjoyed playing with, painting with and making our own balloons. We have been telling our own stories and are authors and illustrators.

In Topic, we have been learning about the beginning of our lifecycle from baby to child and discussed the we have made by looking at pictures of the past (baby photos) and pictures of us at Nursery now and all the wonderful things we have learned how to do.

We have also enjoyed, learning to mix colours to paint, arts and crafts, building obstacle courses, playing group role play games, music shows, reading books, building complex train tracks, writing our names and drawing shapes!



Next Thursday, as part of the RE learning Nursery Gabriel will be helping the community through a scooter and bike wash. If you would like your child’s scooter or bike cleaned please bring it to the Nursery wash station by the Nursery doors on Thursday. Once the children have cleaned it, we will return it to the scooter park to be collected at the end of the day. It would be lovely to have as many as possible


The annual oracy event is about to begin and this year it is a whole school poetry performance competition. Nursery are invited to learn and perform a nursery rhyme in front of the class. There will a rota made and put up outside the classroom doors so you will know which day your child will be performing on. At the end of the competition one winner will be decided upon and it will be announced in the school newsletter.

The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am.  Please collect your children promptly at 11.30 so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch.


Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 19th January 2024

This week in RE, we have been recalling the Nativity story and learning about the Epiphany. We understand that the Three wise men followed the brightest star to Jesus and took him gifts to show their love and respect for the new king. We have been re-enacting these stories through small world play, making chalk stars, drawing maps and developing fine motor skills through wrapping gifts and writing labels to give to people we love.

In literacy, we have continued to learn about penguins and Antarctica. We have made our own penguins using arts and craft materials. We have listened to What the Lady bird Heard by Julia Donaldson,  All the way home and The Good Samaritan. We have been showing lots of interest in writing our names and enjoyed developing our letter formation in the salt trays as well as learning to write our names on our drawings and art pieces.

In mathematics, we have been learning about the concepts more and fewer, developing careful counting strategies through 1:1 correspondence and reciting numbers from 1-10 and beyond. We have also been developing our numeral formations.

We have also enjoyed building boats and testing them out in the water tray to investigate if they would sink or float. We use folding skill to make the sails.

We have learned how to take turns in small group board games, building aeroplanes and extending our friendship circles. Some of us have been making chalk maps outside and using them in group role play. We have been investigating the ice and frost outside and discussed melting and freezing. 



The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am.  Please collect your children promptly at 11.30 so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch. The amount of late arrivals to Nursery has been increasing please ensure you are bringing your child to school on time and collecting them on time. This supports consistent routine and prevents disruption to learning for your child and others in the class Thank you.

Donations: We are very low on junk modelling items such as cardboard boxes, plastic tubs, egg cartons,  We also need tissues please if possible.

Thank you for then kind detonations of lids, and pasta. We really appreciate all the generosity so thank you so much!

It has been highlighted that uniform standards have been slipping across the school so from next week if your child is not in the correct uniform a reminder will be sent home with your child. Thank you for your co-operation. Please continue to return any school uniform items back if your child has been changed at school. We have run out of girls underwear so please return if you have any at home. Thank you.

Finally, focus weeks have started out very well thank you for returning the planning for your child forms and checking Arc each day to see your child’s observations if it is your child’s focus week. The questions you have been asking on the forms have been lovely to read and I look forward to answering them during parents evening at the end of the term. In the meantime, if you have any concerns or want to discuss your child’s progress before then I am happy to arrange a meeting please email the nursery with your request.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 12th January 2024

Happy new year everyone and welcome to the Spring term. It has already got off to an excellent start with so much reconnecting and learning this week.


We have begun our new topic ‘When I was younger’ and will be focussing on how we have changed since we were babies and how much we have achieved already through the new skills we have learned as we have grown.


In Literacy, we have taken trip to Antarctica to meet the Emperor penguins and learn about the special roles they have in looking after a chick and surviving in a cold and icy habitat.


This has linked nicely into mathematics where we have been focusing on measurement, in particular height, and have been using cubes to measure and compare the height of penguins. This has lead on to noticing and discussing height in other objects and one another. We have also been learning some new counting nursery rhymes ‘Five little speckled frogs’ and ‘Five little men on a flying saucer’ and are beginning to participate in solving simple subtraction number problems.


In RE, we have recalled the Nativity story through small world play and begun our weekly collective worships.


Also this week we have been using everyday objects to paint with such as cups and forks, we have been drawing penguins following a six part instruction which has helped us to draw shapes more effectively and we have been exploring why ice melts in our Antarctic themed activity tray.


We have been enjoying stories, writing our names, playing games and role play in larger groups, role playing hospitals and chefs and making boats using the junk modelling.


Such a fantastic start to the Spring term!



Thank you so much for all the donations we really appreciate it so much.

Thank you for the baby photos I have thoroughly enjoyed receiving them they are extremely precious and I look forward to sharing them with the children to support their topic learning this term.


This term, each week there will be focus children who will be observed more closely and these observations will be shared with you on Arc. I believe everyone is set up and using Arc already but if you are not active and need some help to get going please speak to me I will be happy to assist. You will be notified the week before of your child focus week and will be asked to fill out a small planning for your child learning form I will also ask that you share a few photos on Arc from learning and experiences of home during that week.


Please ensure your child is in the correct uniform and shoes for Nursery.


The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am.  Please collect your children promptly at 11.30 so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch.


Thank you all for your continued support and here’s to a 2024 full of learning and positive growth.


Kind regards,

The Nursery Team







Friday 8th December 2023

Wow what a busy but exciting week in Nursery!

We have been rehearsing for our Nativity for a long time and this week we finally got to perform it to our families. We were very excited and really enjoyed telling you all the important story of Christmas. We enjoyed singing our songs and doing our actions and our teachers are very proud of us. Thank you for coming to see us perform!

In RE, we have started to learn about advent and are beginning to understand that it is a time for waiting. We made a whole class Advent wreath and next week we are looking forward to learning more about this special time.

In literacy we have enjoyed listening to The Gruffalo’s child. We have enjoyed mark marking in the snow themed tuff tray. We also thought about names to give the Gruffalo’s child and then practiced writing our own names in salt trays.

We have enjoyed building aeroplanes, army barracks and houses outside using the construction materials. We have enjoyed acting out the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff with the small world figures. We have enjoyed extending our friendship circles and building confidence and we are getting really skilled at asking if we can play with others.

We are looking forward to lots of craft activities next week and our school disco!



Monday 11th December: Friends of Holy Family Event - Nursery and Reception disco. Starting directly after school. All children to be collected from school, at 4:15pm

Thursday 14th December: End of term for Nursery

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 8th December 2023

Wow what a busy but exciting week in Nursery!

We have been rehearsing for our Nativity for a long time and this week we finally got to perform it to our families. We were very excited and really enjoyed telling you all the important story of Christmas. We enjoyed singing our songs and doing our actions and our teachers are very proud of us. Thank you for coming to see us perform!

In RE, we have started to learn about advent and are beginning to understand that it is a time for waiting. We made a whole class Advent wreath and next week we are looking forward to learning more about this special time.

In literacy we have enjoyed listening to The Gruffalo’s child. We have enjoyed mark marking in the snow themed tuff tray. We also thought about names to give the Gruffalo’s child and then practiced writing our own names in salt trays.

We have enjoyed building aeroplanes, army barracks and houses outside using the construction materials. We have enjoyed acting out the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff with the small world figures. We have enjoyed extending our friendship circles and building confidence and we are getting really skilled at asking if we can play with others.

We are looking forward to lots of craft activities next week and our school disco!



Monday 11th December: Friends of Holy Family Event - Nursery and Reception disco. Starting directly after school. All children to be collected from school, at 4:15pm

Thursday 14th December: End of term for Nursery

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 24th November 2023

This week, has been another wonderful week in Nursery. We have been busy practising for our Nativity performance and have enjoyed learning through our play.

In RE, we have listened to the important messaged Angel Gabriel had for Mary. We enjoyed role playing the annunciation and representing our understanding through drawings.

In mathematics, we have been creating and extending simple patterns, singing number songs to twenty and developing our mathematical language through constructions. We have really enjoyed using the wooden blocks to build zoos, aeroplanes and racing tracks.

In literacy, we have listened to the Nativity story, little Red riding hood and the three little pigs. We have enjoyed retelling these stories through small world play.

We have talked about space and planets and wanted to make lots of telescopes using art and craft materials! We have enjoyed lots of picnic role play and extending our friendship circles to include more friends in our play.


The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am.  Please collect your children promptly at 11.30 so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch.

Nativity costumes have been sent out but if you need to double check please see the costume list which can be found in the Nativity 2023 section on Nursery class page. Please label all items of costumes and put it a bag with your child’s name on it. Please have these in school by Thursday 30th November at the very latest to allow us to run some dress rehearsals before the show. There is no expectation for costumes to be purchased we are hand making hats for some of the parts in class. If your child is an angel and you would like some ideas for making halo or the wings, please let me know.

Donations needed: plastic bags, baby wipes, salt. Thank you

Please check the school newsletter and key dates for upcoming events that include Nursery.


Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 17th November 2023


This week, we have been busy practising our Nativity ready for the performance on Tuesday 5th December. We have continued to learn about the Holy family and this week we were introduced to Joseph! We enjoyed building things with the wooden blocks and pretending we were carpenters just like Joseph.

In Literacy we have listened to the Gingerbread and we had so much fun making our own Gingerbread biscuits, learning about recipes and ingredients and taking it turn to mix. We also listened to Jack and the Beanstalk and The Gruffalo’s child.

In mathematics, we have been singing along to lots of counting songs and shape songs. We have been using shapes to create representations of Joseph. We have been developing our measuring skills making the gingerbread biscuits. We have really enjoyed playing hide and seek and learning to count to ten and beyond accurately.

We have had a great week playing large group games, building stories around animals and small world people. We have enjoyed running our own restaurants in the mud kitchen. We have been developing lots of language skills through our interactions with friends and teachers. It has been a great week!



The Nativity performance will take place on Tuesday 5th December at 9:15am. We are still currently working out costumes and a letter will be sent out as soon as we have.

Please check all uniform items to ensure another child’s item has not been sent home with your child accidently. They do get easily mixed up so it is essential to label every item of uniform including shoes to ensure that missing items can get returned. If you are missing items, please do reach out to the parent what’s app group and check the lost property at the front of the school. We check at the end for each day to see if any have been left behind and put them on the children’s pegs.

Thank you to everyone who made an appointment for parents evening it was a pleasure to meet with you all and share your child’s progress.

Please make sure that you have downloaded the ARC app on your phones. I am starting to upload observations now the baseline assessments have been completed. Please also share experiences and home learning via the ARC app it is always a pleasure to see what the children are experiencing outside the Nursery classroom.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 3rd November 2023

It has been a lovely start to our Autumn B term and everyone in Nursery Gabriel have adjusted so well back into their routine.

In RE this week, we have been introduced to our class Saint, Angel Gabriel. We have enjoyed making our own angels using arts and craft materials. We have started to listen to the Nativity story and will begin rehearsing very soon for our Nativity performance.

In literacy, we have been reading The Gruffalo and joining in with familiar repeated phrases from the story as well as answering questions about it. We have also been discussing authors and illustrators and are beginning to know their roles in creating stories.

In mathematics, we have been singing number songs that count back from five and using our fingers and objects to represent numbers within 5.

We have enjoyed dinosaur printing, role playing teacher and families, reading lots of stories, drawing, puzzles, building rockets and zoos for animals. It has been a fun week!


This half term we ask you to actively encourage you to leave your child at the Nursery door. This is to encourage their independence and start their preparation for Reception next year.

Reading book bags will now only be required to be bought to school on a Tuesday and will be returned on a Thursday with a new book each week. Please enjoy the story as many times as possible with your child. Repeated stories help children to develop vocabulary and story sequencing skills.

Please leave all toys at home. This is to prevent loss and damage. No toys from home are not allowed in the classroom.

To support development and progress in PSED please can you talk and model to your children how to wipe, flush and wash their hands when going to the toilet.

Please can you talk about the importance of using kind hands and words with your child so the message is consistent at Nursery and at home.

Thank you all for you continued support. It has been a wonderful start to our Nursery year and I am very proud of all the children and how they have settled.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 20th October 2023

Congratulations to Nursery Gabriel for completing their first half term. Over the last two weeks we have been very busy here’s what we have been up to:

In RE, we have learned how to do the sign of the cross and we are joining in with morning, lunch time and end of day prayers We are taking it in turns to be the prayer leader. We have participated in collective worship and been introduced to our class prayer ear which we will each get a turn to take home and create a prayer with to share with the class.

In literacy, we have been reading The Colour Monster by Anna LLeynas, this book has helped us to identify our emotions and help us to articulate how we are feeling to our friends and adults. We each made our own Colour Monster using collage techniques.

In mathematics, we have been participating in counting songs, using five frames, discussing what we notice in our environment and developing our mathematical language.

We have enjoyed making art from natural resources, exploring melting ice, climbing on the outdoor frame, building obstacle courses, playing doctors and lots of arts crafts and drawing.


After Half term we ask you to actively encourage you to leave your child at the Nursery door. This is to encourage their independence and start their preparation for Reception next year.

Please leave all toys at home. This is to prevent loss and damage. No toys from home are not allowed in the classroom.

The wetter weather has arrived please can all children have a pair of wellies in school by the end of the first week back.

To support development and progress in PSED please can you talk and model to your children how to wipe, flush and wash their hands when going to the toilet.

Please can you talk about the importance of using kind hands and words with your child so the message is consistent at Nursery and at home.

Thank you all for you continued support. It has been a wonderful start to our Nursery year and I am very proud of all the children and how they have settled.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 6th October 2023


This week, we have started to develop meaningful friendships. We have been learning how to ask to join in with play and developing our own ideas about playing and learning in our Nursery.

In RE, we have been focusing on our families this week and we understand that we have our own families that are special but we are also all a part of God’s family. We have enjoyed representing our families through different media such as painting, drawing and arts and crafts. We are learning our morning, lunch time and end of day prayer.

We have continued reading Owl babies and have been using puppets to act out our understanding of the story.

We have been reciting numbers to five and have been introduced to five frames which are helping us to represent quantities up to 5.

We have enjoyed singing nursery rhymes and number songs. We have built cars, speed boats and submarines in the outdoor classroom. We love role playing and listening to other stories with our teachers and friends. We have loved making telescopes and using them on our rocket ships we built.



The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am.  Please collect your children promptly at 11.30 so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch.


Thank you to all those that attended the curriculum meeting today. ARC is ready to go and we are looking forward to sharing observations of your child’s learning between home and school. If you are having any difficulties downloading the app and logging in, please speak to a member of the Nursery team who will be able to advise.

The school meals for the Autumn term can be found on the school website under Parent-School meals.

We have had some wonderful donations come in this week which are deeply appreciated thank you!


Tuesday 10th October EYFS Parents Coffee Morning with the Headteacher. Please come to the hall at 9am


Have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Friday 29th September 2023

This week, we have made so much progress settling into to our new Nursery. We are confidently exploring the indoor and outdoor classroom and making lots of new friends. We have been working hard to learn the new rules and routines and we love trying our best to get onto the RAINBOW! We have even started some learning.

We have listened to the story Owl Babies and talked about our own family units. We have made our own owls and had a chance to show our teachers our impressive mark making skills.

In RE, we have learned that God made us all and gave us a special name. We have drawn self-portraits and practised our name writing.

We have loved being in the mud kitchen digging for worms and making cars and rockets and obstacle courses using the big blocks and crates outside. There is so much to do and learn at Nursery J



Next week in RE we will be learning about our families. Can each child please bring in a family photo on Monday to add to our display in the classroom. This photo will also be used to support your child to talk about their family unit.

The nursery gate am opening times are 8:30-8:40am. For the morning sessions, please collect your children promptly at 11.30am so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch. At the end of the day please collect your child at 3:30pm. Please leave via the green gates as soon as possible and do not let your child climb on the climbing frame. The outdoor classroom is closed at this time and we are not insured if there are any accidents.

This year, we have moved the online platform for observations from Tapestry to ARC. This online platform will be accessed by your child’s teachers and yourself and it is a way to share observations of your child’s learning in school and at home. This will be rolled out to parents during the curriculum talk meeting on Friday 6th October 2023 at 9:00am. Please go the school hall doors. If you are unable to make this meeting, then your log in details will be emailed to you.

On Tuesday 10th October: EYFS Parents Coffee Morning with the Headteacher. Please come to the hall at 9am

Please bring in a pair of wellies for your child if you have not done so already.

From Monday 2nd October no toys from home will be allowed to enter the classroom. This is to prevent loss or damage to your child’s toy and ensures we are not having toys from home getting mixed up with the toys in Nursery. Please encourage your child to leave their toys at home or at the Nursery door.  

Thank you for the kind donations that have come in already. We require the following items for the Nursery classroom:

Tissues (lots as the winter months approach us)

Salt, flour, cream of tartar, foil, shaving foam.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team




Friday 22nd September 2023

Welcome to the Nursery class page. This is a space for you to find out about what we have been learning and enjoying at Nursery each week and important notices specific to our class.

This week, we have started Nursery and have really enjoyed making new friends, exploring our indoor and outdoor classrooms and becoming familiar with the new adults who are going to help us grow and learn this year. We have tried really hard to say goodbye to our mummies and daddies at the door and we know where to hang up our coats and put our water bottles. We have enjoyed lunch together and started to learn some of the daily prayers. We look forward to next week!


The nursery gate morning opening times are 8:30-8:40am. 

Please collect your children promptly at 11.30am so that the children who are staying for the afternoon don’t have to wait too long for their lunch.

Please label every item of uniform and accessories.

Each week, a whole school newsletter is published onto the school website. This will also contain important notices and information. This can be found under the parent tab on the school website home page.

Next Friday (29th September), it is St Gabriel’s celebration day. Nursery children can wear their own clothes that day. Please be mindful when choosing an outfit that we will still be getting messy during our play.

We will frequently and kindly ask for donations for the Nursery classroom throughout the year. Please keep an eye out for notices for these. We rely on parent donations to help keep our resources stocked and the children can get the most out of their time with us. We currently are in need of the following resources:

Tissues, flour, cream of tatar, salt, foil, shaving foam.

Finally, thank you so much for all your hard work and support during this transitional and settling period. We are very proud of all the children.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

